The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112434   Message #2382531
Posted By: GUEST,Ravenheart
06-Jul-08 - 03:42 PM
Thread Name: Was 'Lord of the Dance' anti-semitic?
Subject: RE: Was 'Lord of the Dance' anti-semitic?
The name Osama bin Laden came up. Bin Laden by all accounts is a True Believer who can only understand things literally and take them at face value. This he may have inherited from the Hanbali rite and Wahhabi sect he grew up in (whether you would call these things true Islam or not).

When true believers' belief systems fail to align perfectly, they class heavily. This is not a question of religion as such; the class could easily involve a couple of Marxists or biology professors.

I think Sydney Carter was not a True Believer in such a sense--when it's said of him, "Partly inspired by Jesus, and partly by a statue of Shiva as Nataraja, Sydney wrote the lyrics 'Lord Of The Dance...,'" you can see that he sensed how the truth could appear through different formal guises.

I think symbolically aware people have always had a very difficult time expressing themselves in ways that don't set traps for True Believers, because language naturally tends to come down on one side or the other of ambiguity and paradox. The best poetry and lyrics come close to this kind of expression.