The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112462   Message #2382576
Posted By: GUEST,The Bastard Son Of Marty Feldman
06-Jul-08 - 05:30 PM
Thread Name: Can folk clubs get any better?
Subject: RE: Can folk clubs get any better?
If you knew me Jim you would know that I'm the least arrogant person that you could know. I love healthy debate on subjects that I love and folk music is right up there. I'll argue the toss over something that I firmly believe in but I won't be insulted or spoken down to by the likes of you Jim. By the way, when was "the best of it?". I'm intrigued. If I'd have known that the stuff I've been listening to was shit then I wouldn't have bothered. I take it that your most recent post is the sum of your contribution to this thread. It would appear that Jim is right and the rest of us needn't bother posting. Me - Arrogant? I hope that we meet one day Jim. I, for one, would be delighted to throw down the gauntlet.