The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112350   Message #2383394
Posted By: Bee
07-Jul-08 - 08:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
"When they try to emulate the opposite sex, I find it equally unbecoming. The two sexes should try co-operating with each other, rather than competing..that works. The whole 'feminist movement' was, and is a farce, and started by, not women, but the international bankers to expand the tax base.(read earlier posts). during the period, between the '60's and the 80's there were big pushes for men to learn about the needs of women, as to understand them, and to not 'hurt' them, sometimes inadvertently)...was there any thing given to women to learn about men??...Nope! The 'feminist movement' has done far more to hurt women and families, by women who took it seriously than men ever did. " - GfI

I may have expressed my annoyance a little too harshly, but now, seeing you post nonsense like this, it's hard to feel contrite. Of course both governments and corporations are eager to take advantage of wage-earners whoever they are, but to imply that the womens' liberation movement couldn't possibly have been conceptualised, organised, and carried out by women for women is beyond insulting and verging on complete contempt. Obviously you weren't there, and rather than learn something about the actual history of women's long struggle for rights, you've decided to opt for a conspiracy theory instead.

What do you think women had always done, previously, besides 'learn about men', seeing as understanding men was every Western woman's best hope of not being impoverished?

I've personally been through the whole litany of "you can't have this job because you are a woman, you can't come in this establishment because you are a woman, you can't have birth control without your husband's consent, you can't be an artist because you are a woman, you get paid less because you're a woman, you get fired first because you're a woman, you can't get a loan because you're a woman", and all the other BS we used to deal with as a matter-of-fact. What has come of feminism has improved my prospects, my income, my quality of life, and my relationships with the men in my life, including first and foremost my husband, who would not take kindly to being labelled 'feminized'.

If you admire and care for women as you say you do, then why do you denigrate and treat with contempt the very uprising which allows us the freedom and scope we now have? Would you speak the same way of, say, the early labour movement, the struggle for unions? Was the Civil Rights struggle manufactured by the banks and corporations? If women are getting angry whan you say something, do you think they might have a good reason, or are you all right with putting it down to 'women flying off the handle'?