The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112350   Message #2383462
Posted By: TIA
07-Jul-08 - 10:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
GfS asks: "What is there that you women object to??"

I can't speak for "you women", but I bet a lot of it is on the following list….

Let's start with the phrase "you women". Remember the trouble Ross Perot got into for calling blacks "you people"?

Same thing. In this usage, women is a pejorative.

"And being as the American men have been feminized so much, they have all this enthusiasm, being swept up by the celebrity, and momentum, that O-Blabbo has, without much logic, to even look into his accomplishments."

This equates "feminized" with star-struck and illogical.

"I think you mistook me....femininity is great....on a woman!...on a man, it leaves them unmanly men, who are more emotional, than, a whole man needs to be....even for his woman. Maybe you've gotten your man to be a weak man, which you can which case, disrespecting him, is just around the step is having your needs not your man!"

Not sure who you're talking about but this implies that some (unspecified) women feminize their men so they can control them.

"Ebbie, yeah, I'm old fashion..a man who loves his wife, without being her monkey-boy...and because of that she knows and feels love...and in fact are, on the other hand...THE NEW grew balls and loved your husband like a wife!!!..yeah, you get him to do what you want, ..too bad you can't look into his mind"

No explanation necessary.

"I'm sure my other comments are going to raise the ire of women who are self-absorbed controlling shrews, who don't want it revealed..but..well so what...I'm not wrong...just not buying into their garbage of 'marital bliss, my way!'"


"The feminist 'movement', is just that...a political movement, It should never be taken seriously as a contributer to mental heath, or stability, or beneficial to children....and that is NOT up for debate!!"

Ditto ditto.

"There is no greater role on the planet, for a woman than to bond, nurture and teach her children,and loving her husband!! Any other notion is based in selfishness, and is an abdication of the highest, equal place of importance in our nations!!!!!"

Spoken by a man. What if some women (or any particular woman) does not see it this way? Oh right – that's "selfish".

You speak of your admiration for women, but it has a strong whiff of condescension. Maybe even domination - your admiration seems to extend to women who are fulfilling roles that you deem acceptable. The others are ball-toting, ranting, antifamily shrews.

But that's just a wild guess. I'll let others speak for themselves.

And trust me, I am not angry, defensive, nor embarrassed. You asked – I answered.