The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112350   Message #2383480
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Jul-08 - 11:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
There's actually no real cause for disagreement here, in my opinion. It's easy to misconstrue someone else's statements as an attack on "women in general" or "men in general" or anything else like that when they are often not so intended. The phrase "you women", for instance in the context GfS used, could be interpreted as being directed toward the whole female gender (which I doubt it was)...or it could be interpreted as directed toward two or three specific individuals who are arguing back and forth with GfS on this thread.

How one interprets anything like that will be based on an initial assumption...a reaction...but the initial assumption may be incorrect. The reaction may then be inappropriate.

And it may then draw back in return another inappropriate reaction.

I have seen nothing to indicate that GfS is denigrating women. To the contrary he is helping to point out how women have been manipulated by a lot of clever marketing and social restructuring schemes over the past century that have been foisted on humanity by a ruling class of people (most of them very, very rich men) who don't give a hoot about women's rights, never did, and never will. What they do give a hoot about is:

1. Dividing and conquering the public.
2. Stirring people up against one another over many divisive issues and thus keeping them disunited, confused, and powerless.
3. Getting a whole lot richer in the process.
4. Maintaining and enlarging their power.

He is quite right that men and women should not compete against each other, and should not be conned into seeing one another as adversaries. We are not adversaries. We are natural partners in love, respect, and understanding and we were born to share a common purpose.

When men and women become afraid of one another a lot of fear and loneliness and anger arises in society, and that fear can lead to crime, broken relationships, and great sorrow. I do not blame either men or women for that having occurred. I blame power and profit-seeking forces in society which have divided men and women against one another for the most ignoble of purposes: profiting on other people's suffering. They have divided races and religions against each other for much the same reasons.

We have been subtly (and not so subtly) encouraged to attack and denigrate one another for generations now by those oligarchic ruling forces at the very top of the power pyramid. (picture a pyramid dominated by a great eye that watches...then imagine who stands behind that EYE. It's on your dollar bill.) We have been taught to be paranoid and to look constantly for offense from others, and to lash out in defensive anger. This is not wise. It's the politics of fear and division. We should not let ourselves be misdirected in that fashion, because we were all born to love and help one another, not to fight competitive emotional battles of attrition in a futile "war of the sexes"...or a racial war...or a war between religion and atheism...or a war between competing religions.

All of these wars are unnecessary and futile...but they serve those few who benefit from the fighting. And they are a great distraction too, aren't they? It's very useful for the Great Oz to keep the common citizens endlessly squabbling amongst themselves, and that is the intention. They become their own jailors. What could be more convenient from the point of view of he who builds the jails?