The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112350   Message #2383856
Posted By: Bobert
08-Jul-08 - 12:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
Well, being the resdient authority on womenz I'd jus' like to point out that they caan't help themselves 'casue they is all wired wrong... Yup, you ever look at a wiring diagram of a womenz??? It looks like a cross between spagetti and a road map of Wes Ginny... See, that's what makes 'um nutz...

Now a man got simple wirin'... Heck you could draw a wiring diagram of a man on the back of a Wendy's napkin... Aho nuff can... I've done it myself...

But nevermind wiring an' all that, I loves all womenz... I don't care if they is nutz... I don't care if they got tatoos, er hairy legs, 'er they big 'er small, black, white, green 'er yellow... I loves um all... Okay, some I loves more than others... Like Ebbie and TIA amd Janie and Kat and dianavan and SRS and you all know who you are... Ummmmmm, Fantz is alot harder to get that heart pumpin' love up for but, okay, I reckon seein' as she is a womenz than I loves her, too even if she is extra nutz...

As fir men having a feminine side, well yeah, that ain't all bad... At least the pictures get hung staright on the walls even if the toidy seat don't always end up where it's 'spose to be...

What else??? Hmmmmmm??? Well, that 'bout sums up this little situation...

Bobert (Resident womenz authority in residence...)