The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112434   Message #2384430
Posted By: GUEST,Howard Jones
09-Jul-08 - 04:52 AM
Thread Name: Was 'Lord of the Dance' anti-semitic?
Subject: RE: Was 'Lord of the Dance' anti-semitic?

You are claiming that merely to say that the Jews were involved in the death of Jesus is anti-semitic. I disagree. It is simply repeating a matter of historical record (accepting that historical "fact" is rarely set in stone, and is always subject to revision). OK, the record may be partial, and if evidence emerges that Jews had absolutely nothing to do with it, that's fine by me. It may be possible to question whether it's "fact", but you will have to do more to pursuade me that it's a "lie", and I'm trying to look at it objectively, without the eye of either faith.

For the time being, that's the version that most people accept. It's not anti-semitic to repeat it, any more than it's anti-Italian. What is anti-semitic is the conclusion that some have drawn from this: that the Jews as a whole and for evermore are culpable, and that this justifies the treatment which has been meted out to the Jews over the following centuries. That I think is what you really object to, and I am 100% in agreement.

The two things are separate. The fact that an erroneous conclusion can be drawn from it does not make it anti-semitic.