The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112619   Message #2384977
Posted By: Haruo
09-Jul-08 - 03:15 PM
Thread Name: Biker (etc.) hymns?
Subject: Biker (etc.) hymns?
I just posted this to the Hymn Society, but it occurs the answer is more likely to be know to Mudcatters than to church musicians with computers. So:
Thinking about "Life is like a mountain railway", "Hello Central, get me Heaven", "Turn your radio on" and the like got me to wondering why I couldn't think of any hymns, praise songs, gospel ditties, whatever that feature motorcycles (or, come to think of it, any motor vehicles except trains, and ships perhaps) or even bicycles. Since there are bound to be occasions, around campfires or at memorial celebrations or wherever, when such topics or images in spiritual song would be not merely à propos but ardently desired, I submit the query: anybody got any? I know there are biker ministries out there; have they produced any good biker hymnody?
