The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112350   Message #2385415
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
10-Jul-08 - 02:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
So, what is it Tia? In the second paragraph, you say you are married to a woman scientist.....So, does that mean all your anger is based on a lie?..or are you in fact a woman, trying to be a man, (but your pms-ing on here?..So when you post on your posts, quoting me, about 'women trying to grow balls'...etc, etc..what is it?? I think you diverted every thing YOUR way, and deceived everyone one on here('cept me), and brought out all the hostility, when I, on the other hand, was holding up real women's concerns about nurturing her children and things to admire, and the value of a mother's love toward her children, as Akenaton, pointed out so clearly. You posted so much out of context, yet failed to answer the simple questions I posted, about children, and was it worth more to make an extra buck, or the holy love, a woman has for her children. You suckered all the real women into buying into your pose, when there was so much being given to actually re-enforce their femininity. Do you also pose as a woman on instant messenger to get your jollies, too??? Or, are you just a liar? I believe you owe someone on here, maybe several people on here, an apology, and if you stopped the nonsense, maybe you'd learn something, from honest exchanges of ideas and input!!!!!

Subject: RE: BS: Unity
From: TIA
Date: 03 Jul 08 - 03:16 PM

"And being as the American men have been feminized so much, they have all this enthusiasm, being swept up by the celebrity, and momentum, that O-Blabbo has, without much logic, to even look into his accomplishments."

I am married to a woman scientist who would kick your sorry ass around the block for saying that "feminine" means illogical and celebrity-awed. I'd do it myself, but I am way too feminized.