The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112350   Message #2385515
Posted By: Emma B
10-Jul-08 - 06:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unity
Subject: RE: BS: Unity
If you look at the Aunt Sally thread you will read that the expression describes someone who is the object of attack, both easy and unwarranted.

I believe that Tia (whoever he or she is) correctly stated that 'I can't speak for "you women"' but pointed out, quite accurately, the usually derogatory sense in which expressions like 'you people' have been used to sterotype black people and other groups.

As Little Hawk has said 'One can't just sum up a person's character on the basis of a few remarks they made in the heat of a discussion on the Internet' and yet Gfs accuses Tia as posing as a woman to get 'jollies' whereas I see an honest man (and not some feminized freak of a fertile flawed imagination) defending the equality of fellow human beings with the same dreams and aspirations for self fulfilment

The women who have to work in order to feed and clothe their family are not 'pursuing selfishness' they are, as Little Hawk has described, equal 'victims' of a post industrial society.

Although it is women who give birth to children the nurturing and rearing is a joint responsibility and I know of instances where, because of disability, greater earning capacity etc husbands have elected to remain at home and fulfil this role.

I haven't noticed any suggestion that men are 'pursuing selfishness' by being gainfully employed outside the home or that there is nothing 'more valuable' that they can do except the nurturing of HIS children.

I have respect for Little Hawk, he appends his 'name' to his posts and does not need to hide his opinions behind the 'Guest' persona.

Nevertheless I feel that his sentiments of true equality and mutual regard have been hijacked in this discussion and out of self respect I no longer wish to contribute to this so called 'discussion' which echoes the worst attitudes of 'The Woman's Room'