The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32340   Message #2387202
Posted By: DMcG
12-Jul-08 - 04:39 AM
Thread Name: any new mondegreens?
Subject: RE: any new mondegreens?
Actually a pretty old mondegreen, but new to me. There's a song call "Christ Made a Trance" on a recent Waterson:Carthy CD where Martin writes:

The Passiontide carol Christ Made a Trance is a song which I have known for years. "Trance" is a piece of old usage of the word, used here to mean a narrow defile between two places - in this case life and death. It's a great example of apparently obsolete bits of language surviving in old songs.

What he didn't say is that when C Sharp collected it from Mrs Reservoir Butler, what he actually collected said:

"O God's in France all Sunday"