The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112124   Message #2387262
Posted By: alanabit
12-Jul-08 - 07:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Zimbabwe 'elections'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimbabwe 'elections'
Teribus, I can't help it if thugs and thieves choose to wear the clothes of fake socialists. Neither can any other decent socialist. The term "decent socialist" will inevitably seem like an oxymoron to you. It puzzles me, because you are in no more danger from me than you are from your milkman. Most of us make judgements on what people do rather than what they say.
I have a good friend, who says things, which do not reflect the way he behaves in the slightest. He is one of the kindest men I know. It seems to be an article of faith with you that any socialist, communist etc will become a rapacious tyrant. I am not stupid enough to believe that anything could change your mind.
I am not a Christian. I believe that Christian churches (indeed those of most religions) have carried out horrible crimes in their names. Believe me, that will never cause me to label Christians as thieves and murderers. You like to identify bad systems with socialism. You seem happy in this belief, and nothing anyone says will ever change your mind. Who am I to challenge a belief, which you are happy with?
I despise the tyrant Mugabe as much as you do. I abhor the hypocrisy of China and the corruption of Russia. A tyrannous system is abhorrent whatever clothes it wears. And by the way, I agree with you that the "socialist credentials" of these tyrants is "all complete and utter cant and hypocrisy".