The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4391   Message #23875
Posted By: Les
16-Mar-98 - 12:41 AM
Thread Name: Megaphone info request
Subject: Megaphone info request
I just got through playing an Irish/American "session" at an extremely noisy bar. Several of us wanted to sing, but our group doesn't use amplifiers or mics and it was just impossible. One person jokingly suggested we get megaphones like they used in the 1920's, and I'm beginning to wonder if that might not be the answer. Does anyone have any info about the use of megaphones way back when, and how to find them today. I remember seeing a photo of Rudy Vallee using one in concert to a huge crowd, and also photos of megaphones mounted on stands and not hand-held, like cheer leader horns. Thanks for your help.