The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112647   Message #2387588
Posted By: GUEST,lox
12-Jul-08 - 09:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Want to see John McCain Squirm? -Video
Subject: RE: BS: Want to see John McCain Squirm? -Video
Hey Kat and Sanity,

Isn't that an outdated argument?

don't we agree that responsibility for our actions is to be accepted by every individual, regardless of context, gender race or religion? no more and no less?

The real flaw in sanity's original defensive rebuttal of Kats quip is that some women do not choose to become pregnant but find that a choice has been made for them.

This covers a range of examples from family pressure to rape.

Womens enfranchisement is still finding its feet.