The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112696   Message #2387705
Posted By: GUEST,Roger
13-Jul-08 - 07:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: What ever happened to free speech ?
Subject: BS: What ever happened to free speech ?
Have any of you noticed that in this politically correct world you can't express your viewpoint without being called a racist. Anything you say is interrupted as racist.

What happened to free speech is it all one sided ? any man expressing what he supports gets slammed. You may be just saying what people are thinking,it was a ridiculous the way have to address certain points. The reaction of many is ridiculous and it turns into a inflamed debate   calling you a racist, it never gives the issue a better airing.

It doesn't matter what colour or religion you are. It's a simple matter of economics. We live on an Island. That island is of a fixed size. You can only fit so many people on an Island. You can only produce so much food and water on an Island.

Great Britain and the British people have a certain moral standard that has been maintained for hundreds of years. We help each other like we did when there was a war on. We had street parties like we did for VE Day and the Queen's Silver Jubilee. We are now have a growing population of people who bring their culture a moral standards from third world countries where there are open sewers. No waste collection. Where people fight amongst each other in order to survive.
Our Island is green and pleasant but it won't be for much longer.

Many that come to England still need a translator. Our MP's who can speak on our behalf and command the authority to be heard must not be forced into silence by the anti-racist mob.
I lived in a Middle East country where all religions other than Islam are banned. How's that for multi-culturism. If England was a nightclub it would closed due to over crowding.

England does not have free speech and this is why we are in the mess now.Lets have grown up talks on this and not use the racist card when someone does as the only people who win are the looney left as we are too frightened to say what people really mean.We should be proud to be British and of our customs not give in to others.we should accept other customs as well but not at the cost of ours.

If the Conservatives announced tomorrow that without fail all murderers, rapists, paedophiles would get life (meaning life) sentences without ANY chance of parole, if they offered tax reductions easily financed by rolling back the massive wasteful expansion of the state in the last ten years coupled with a massive reduction in immigration (the only people allowed to come here being those who have the skills we need and for them to be entitled to no benefits of any kind and to receive no housing or child benefits etc for their first five years of residency) and finally the six million (the REAL unemployed figure) 20 % of the workforce who are not working actually being forced to do the jobs that the immigrants are doing ( most of these are on long term sickness benefits which if they were actually genuine would make us the most unhealthy nation on earth BEHIND the likes of Bangladesh or African countries - what a farce ) then the Conservatives would walk the election.

Great Britain has totally lost it's identity, it is heading for financial disaster and it will never recover.