The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22067   Message #238780
Posted By: Amergin
06-Jun-00 - 01:24 AM
Thread Name: Dog stories....
Subject: RE: Dog stories....
One more story about Toby (the dachsund we used to have). She had this doggie bed that she slept in during the day, but she never slept in it alone. We also at that time had an old siamese cat. They were both around the same age. He would always crawl into that bed with her, much to her displeasure. She would growl and carry on making quite a fuss, until they would both go to sleep. This was a ritual that happened several times a day. She always seemed to hate sharing that bed with him. But the funny thing is that after he died, she wouldn't go near that bed until the end. When she got sick in her final days....
