The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61309   Message #2388123
Posted By: Joe_F
13-Jul-08 - 09:46 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Tom Bolynn (3)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Tom Bolynn (3)
I suppose the stanza that Joe Offer liked is actually due to Oscar Brand, but I would like to believe it is actually traditional. Sexual behavior in folk songs, tho often depraved, is for the most part relentlessly heterosexual, and I appreciate the occasional excursion into polymorphous perversity. Here are two more:

He fucked them in the parlor, he fucked them in the hall,
But the time he fucked the butler was the finest fuck of all. (The Tinker)

Great joy they reap from tupping sheep
In sundry bogs and ditches,
Nor care a damn if it's a ram --
Those hardy sons of bitches! (The Pioneers)