The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112664   Message #2388506
Posted By: Donuel
14-Jul-08 - 11:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nationalize Freddie&Fannie NOW
Subject: RE: BS: Nationalize Freddie&Fannie NOW
Here we go folks.

300 banks are doomed to fail before Christmas.

The bank failure in California on Friday was not even on the FDIC trouble list.

Freddie and Fannie's CEOs packed in humdreds of millions of bonues' based on the phoney/bubblized volume of business they "earned".

Combine that with some other Wall Street folks who took the money and ran from huge failures and we could insure every child in the USA with health insurance.
Blaming these CEO employees of large Corporations is warrented!
Blaming every employee is a bit over the top. After all, the American dream is notmerely to get rich but to get rich quick.

The raxpayer will get the bill for the coming bail outs and guess what... there ain't enough money in the treasury. Can China loan another 2 Trillion dollars? Sorry folks, I don;t thinks so.

PS : to my dogged critics such as nenisis and robomatic etc.,

I hope you bear some substantial part of the misery you helped to bring this country, by your support of this administration.
Of course people like Alan Greenspan are far more culpable but if you are merely the dope who refeled in the tiny tax break and srimuls check , you have essentially destroyed everyone's wealth for your momentary chump change.