The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112664   Message #2388536
Posted By: Donuel
14-Jul-08 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nationalize Freddie&Fannie NOW
Subject: RE: BS: Nationalize Freddie&Fannie NOW
wdit   the dope who reveled in the tiny tax break and stimulous check ...

Should we continue to safeguard Bush and his pals with secret service for life? Short of criminal prosecution and prison the think they should live an exposed life like the rest of us.

Is this too harsh?

We can point a finger at any messenger and say he started the rumor that the dam might break.
The truth is the dam has been leking for decades and even Alan Greenspaned warned of the houseing bubble as FROTH. But Greenspan just did everything Bush told him to do, or rahter not do anything to stop the dam from bursting.