The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112664   Message #2388559
14-Jul-08 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nationalize Freddie&Fannie NOW
Subject: RE: BS: Nationalize Freddie&Fannie NOW
Hmmm. People seem in the dark that we are living in a gilded age of corruption.

The taxpayers WILL pay for lots more Wall Street bail outs, some before Bush leaves office, some after. Doesn't make any difference who gets elected president, both candidates and parties are in cahoots with and beholden to Wall Street, and act at it's bidding.

Same is true of natural gas/oil/gasoline prices. The prices are being fixed, we are being gouged, the oligarchies get fatter and fatter and fatter.

Buy a clue, folks. It isn't going to be better in January, no matter who comes into office or the Congress.

American screwed themselves by not engaging in public watchdogging (and villifying those who engage in it, like Nader), and voting over and over for the status quo.

Happy despression, y'all!