The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112725   Message #2388756
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
14-Jul-08 - 02:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why not just BAN Guests?
Subject: RE: BS: Why not just BAN Guests?
When I go to my search engine, and Mudcat Cafe, comes up, there is a warning above the area which is where you register, saying that there is a risk, of a potentially harmful virus, (with an exclamation mark), that comes up on my screen. whether is a virus, or unneeded spyware, or a keylogger, I don't know...but being as I have original material, both copyrighted, and not, on my computer..well, that's deterrent for me. Nor do I want my mail filled with spam. Perhaps the operators at Mudcat would care to look into that...and if you receive financial compensation for selling web addresses, to advertisers, perhaps you should inform us, before we make the choice, that could open us up, to be hacked.

By the way, really enjoy the site, and have made friends on here, even the ones I disagree with......(you know who you are...smirk!)