The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112725   Message #2389047
14-Jul-08 - 05:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why not just BAN Guests?
Subject: RE: BS: Why not just BAN Guests?
The problem I see with the moderation here is the sheer childishness of it all.

There really is no reason to delete or alter ANY post. We are all adults here, and free to read or ignore anything posted here, just as we are anywhere on the web.

The censorship here is really unfortunate. It is patronizing to think adults who participate here aren't allowed to judge what they read for themselves.

The so-called "rules" are intentionally obtuse and confusing, because that allows those in power to create an illusion of necessity to censor.

The only time I ever saw anything here that need moderation, is when spammers have attacked the forum. When the site itself is under attack, then something must be done, of course.

But profanity and mean spirited posting is the sort of thing one tolerates, if they so choose, if they wish to participate on the web these days.

Sure forums were nicer places to hang out in 1998. But they weren't without jerks back then either.

At any rate, the time to prevent "old guardism" from taking over Mudcat is long since past.

The best moderated forums have a highly visible short list of simple rules. The names and contact information of the moderators is also highly visible and available for all to see and use, and they usually aren't participating members in the forum (they become too prejudiced about certain people, and can't act fairly and objectively, which is certainly the case here).

What adult can't take that sort of