The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112758   Message #2389150
Posted By: Peace
14-Jul-08 - 08:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Open Mike has lost her home & contents 2008
Subject: BS: Open Mike has lost her home and contents
Open Mike (Laurel) has lost her home and its contents. She was one of the firefighters battling the blaze. She could have been at home getting her stuff into a van and out of the fire area. Instead, she was with fire crews (she is a volunteer firefighter) helping save other people's houses and even lives. So what's this gotta do with the price of eggs?

Laurel has been and continues to be a contributing member of this community and she needs our help. Parcels might be a bit clumsy at this time, so in conversation with Rapaire who graciously and generously agreed to be the banker I am appealing to all of you to help this great gal we all call our friend. She was NOT insured, so what she faces is complete loss of her home and contents. We cannot replace the memories, but we can help her build new ones. She has given so much of herself to music through her 'open mike' radio show. She has played music by various 'catters and been supportive of us all. Perhaps we can give back some of what she's given us.

Rapaire has no PayPal account. The only way he can take in donations is via cheque or postal money order. (PMO is a bit slower because of time it takes to get it through the bank, but if cheque is not possible, PMO is a good alternative.)

Please, let's dig deep on this one.


PS Your donations can be sent to

Mike Doellman
PO Box 4905
Pocatello, ID 83205-4905

Whether cheque or PMO, please make it out to Mike and perhaps attach a post-it note with the name Laurel on it so Mike knows what it's for.

Thank you all. Remember, there are NO small donations.

Mike, thank you for agreeing to handle the paperwork. Let's hope there's lots of it.