The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112124   Message #2389291
Posted By: Teribus
15-Jul-08 - 01:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Zimbabwe 'elections'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimbabwe 'elections'
"Do the States of today not "prey upon one another," only on a thousand times bigger and more vicious scale?" - asks Akenaton

The answer is of course they do not, there is greater interdependence between states these days than at any other time in history, war and conflict goes against that.

"Nothing I have read suggests huge loss of life in "primitive tribal disputes" on the scale of modern warfare, with new super weapons being developed to facilitate the slaughter." - states Akenaton

Good point depending upon what populations actually were. I take it from what you have written there Akenaton that you have not read about the rampage that lasted for four years and the tens of thousands killed by Shaka Zulu in his grief after losing his favourite wife?

"Observations of "primitive dispute" have shown that,as in the animal kingdom, posturing and ritual plays a huge part." - States Akenaton.

You have not read about the invention of the Asegi then Akenaton or the development of tactics occasioned by that invention.

"I have also read that these tribes usually have a very good form of "local govt"....committee's of tribal elders etc, which can stop territorial disputes from getting out of hand." - Akenaton

Very true, did you also read how these councils decided how many members of the tribe had to be sold into slavery.

"It is only when we start re-organising tribalism in our own distorted image that things start to go wrong." - Akenaton

Well I took a look at that Akenaton and found that in the UK things became a damn sight better when we re-organised tribalism. Same goes for Europe. How many wars have there been in Africa between "nation" states? Very, very few Akenaton, Ethiopia and Eritrea being the most notable. Hundreds of examples of inter-tribal conflicts within countries though.