The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112758   Message #2389297
Posted By: open mike
15-Jul-08 - 01:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Open Mike has lost her home & contents 2008
Subject: RE: BS: Open Mike has lost her home and contents
thanks for all offers..
the REAL needs are whatever it tqakes
to re-habilitate 50 acres of
scorched forest--salvage logging
and milling lumber for re-building,
and repair of 3 wooden bridges and
renovation of water and septic

the post service is spotty
as most mail boxes burned

and i have no place to put "stuff"
know that i am in good spirits
and am continuing to do my
radio show--yesterday's theme
was the Phoenix rising from the
ashes. played lots of songs
with fire, ash and also the theme
of hope, thankfulness and...strength.

3 d.j.s at my radio station lost
our least i saved many cd's.

not so lucky on the cats...not found.
birds were at daughter's house.

plus today is my birthday...
well, trying to have a happy one...
surrounded by daughters and their

life goes on...

thank you, my friends.

Laurel--55 y.o. curmudgeon
on the look out for senior discounts...