The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112682   Message #2389416
Posted By: GUEST,songster
15-Jul-08 - 05:56 AM
Thread Name: Sessions Co Antrim or Co Londonderry?
Subject: RE: Sessions Co Antrim or Co Londonderry?
There is a singing session now started in Derry and is held the first Thursday of the month. I am not sure exactly where yet but I will find out and post the location for you. I has only started a few months and has very good attendance (and attention) I believe. I intend to go along to it myself in August (I'd better find out where it is myself)It is run by Jim Mac Farland now living back in Derry. Jim, an ex All Ireland champion was living in Dublin for years and was a regular singer at the 'Goilin Singers Club'
Should be a good night, might see you there. I will post the venue address as soon as I get it today.