The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112758   Message #2389887
Posted By: open mike
15-Jul-08 - 02:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Open Mike has lost her home & contents 2008
Subject: RE: BS: Open Mike has lost her home and contents
thank you, my friends...we will get thru this..

At the time the flames were
reaching my house i was at home, and was awakened by sirens
and looked up to see a wall of flames and red glowing sky.
i had removed myself from fire engine duties when i saw the
fire jump the line and head towards my house. i was able to
rent a storage unit in town and safely evacuate some treasures.
i did save musical instruments. and have a vehicle,so may be a wandering minstrel when i grow up.
(if i grow up...)i guess if i was gonna, i would have by now...

it does my heart good to know that you are sending good energy and other resources my way.....

one of the most significant losses may be my address book .

the mudcat is a great resource and i have always been amazed
at the community feeling here. It is heart-warming to feel
your support i know i am not working without a net!

let the healing begin..