BRYAN O'LYNN. Moore Printer 40 Ann-Street Belfast. [Between 1852 and 1868]
1. Bryan O'Lynn was a Scotchman born. His teeth they were long and his beard unshorn, His temples far out and his eyes far in. "I'm a wonderful beauty," says Bryan O'Lynn.
CHORUS: "With my rantin', roarin', hoarin,' borin', Screwin', augurin', hammerin', malletin', Stokerin', plasterin', sailorin', soldierin', Butcherin', bakerin', three-handle iron, Sledge and wedge and gouge and pen, I'd wallop the devil," says Bryan O'Lynn.
2. Bryan O'Lynn had no coat to put on. He got a bull's side to make him up one. He buckled the horns up under his chin. "They're a fine pair of pistols," says Bryan O'Lynn.
3. Bryan O'Lynn had a daughter to wed. She had but one eye and a tooth in her head, A hump on her back and a stout scabby skin. "She's a wife for an earl," says Bryan O'Lynn.
4. Bryan O'Lynn, his wife and wife's mother, They all went into one bed together. The blankets were scarce and the sheets worn thin. "Stick your head in my bosom," says Bryan O'Lynn.
5. Bryan O'Lynn, his wife and wife's mother, They all went over the bridge together. The bridge it broke and they all fell in. "We're going to dry lodging," says Bryan O'Lynn. The bridge it broke and they all fell in. "Bad luck to the mason," says Bryan O'Lynn.
6. Bryan O'Lynn and his wife and wife's mother, They all went into the church together. The gates were locked so they couldn't get in. "Just wait till I break them," says Bryan O'Lynn.