The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112806   Message #2391213
Posted By: Emma B
17-Jul-08 - 05:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: British criminality seems to be getting
Subject: RE: BS: British criminality seems to be getting
'A BBC investigation has exposed a criminal network in London that exploits hundreds of illegal immigrants from India through cheap housing, faked documents and poorly paid, often dangerous work....

One undercover reporter was put to work by his contacts on a building site without any interview, or showing any documents.

He was assigned to work on the roof of a building without any safety training or equipment, such as a hard hat.

The team also discovered more than 40 houses, each packed with around eight or nine illegal migrant labourers from Punjab, in India, in London's Asian-dominated Southall district.'


The reporters highlight the exploitation of hundreds of mainly young, male Punjabi farmers living illegally in Southall, west London who are caught in a trap of false promises, the risk of deportation if discovered, and having to pay back the cost of transportation forged documents etc out of about £2* per hour.
* the National Minimum Wage for an adult is £5.52 an hour

Life as an illegal immigrant BBC News with video links

The criminals who exploit these hopeful economic migrants are no better than those trafficking in women lured with the promise of employment and forced into prostitution and I hope they are sucessfully prosecuted.