The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36465   Message #2391404
Posted By: Mary Humphreys
17-Jul-08 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: manchester sports guild folk club
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
I remember MSG - the folk clulb was definitely upstairs and the jazz downstairs. The room was painted dark colours - or was that just the nicotine on the walls?
I saw AL Lloyd there, Ewan & Peggy, Harry Boardman and most of all I remember the Grehan sisters who played Irish music like I had never heard it before.
Funny - I don't remember seeing Carthy,but maybe that was a three pints evening....Frank Duffy used to MC the singers nights, then later was replaced by Drony. Didn't realise he was a lecturer - but there were a lot of teachers about then in folk music.
THe Old House at Home was probably the best-hidden venue in Greater Manchester. I remember doing a gig there and having to walk home to Fallowfield carrying a banjo because the buses had all stopped at 11.30 and there were no all-night buses or taxis to be seen. Wouldn't do it now! Too old / not daft enough!
See you at Saddleworth.