The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112806   Message #2391420
Posted By: bubblyrat
17-Jul-08 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: British criminality seems to be getting
Subject: RE: BS: British criminality seems to be getting
I don't get this "racist" thing----what is it ?? All I know is that I am an Englishman who can trace his family history back to about 1560 ( still working on it !)in Surrey,Sussex, Norfolk and Gloucestershire, was brought up in the heart of the Sussex countryside, and did not set eyes on ANY coloured person, or indeed any kind of foreigner at all, until I was ten years old !! Consequently, I am not only disturbed,but quite upset at the ever-increasing number of foreigners / aliens who have been allowed , by successive British governments, to come and live in MY country without any prior consultation with myself or my fellow countrymen . It wouldn't be so bad if they were like us, but they are NOT !! --They do not share the same history, religion,language (in many cases)or sense of cultural identity as the rest of us "natives". Many of them continue to wear strange clothes,worship strange Gods, and speak in unfamiliar tongues, whilst espousing such alien concepts as polygamy,honour killings,Sharia law and yes, people-trafficking as per this thread.So please forgive me if I appear to be somewhat uncharitable, but I really do wish that "they"would all go back to where they came from, and let me /us have my/our country back , which,of course is simple anthropology, not racism !
             Finally, ---I am truly sorry if anyone finds my attitude,comments or opinions disturbing or offensive, but I know for a fact that there are many others who feel the same way that I do, and it is high time that we were allowed to say how WE feel !! The whole argument about "Racism" is far too one-sided and politically Left Wing for my liking , so let's have a bit of respect for the native English, for once.