The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112806   Message #2391857
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
18-Jul-08 - 03:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: British criminality seems to be getting
Subject: RE: BS: British criminality seems to be getting
Nothing wrong with the BBCs documentary, Al. It was a damning report on anyone who traffics in human misery. Nothing wrong with you pointing out that it was on. Provided of course that you did not do so just to gloat in the fact that these criminals happened to be Indian. We do not know you. We don't know your motive in raising the issue. Why don't you let us know more about yourself?

Where do you stand, for instance, on bubblyrats contention that 'they' should all be sent back to where they came from? What would you do with people trafficers? Would you treat them all equaly or would you send the Indian ones 'back home' and give the English ones a jail sentence? What would you do with Indians who are here legaly if the commited crimes? What would you do with the crowd of second and third generation Bangladeshi kids who beat up white lad? What would you do with a crowd of Englsih lads that knifed a Bosnian immigrant?

There is nothing wrong at all with drawing peoples attention to crime. Trying to incite people into hatred of another race because of the crimes of a few is wrong though. Not saying that is what you were doing, just suggesting it may look like that.
