The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112647   Message #2392026
Posted By: GUEST,lox
18-Jul-08 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Want to see John McCain Squirm? -Video
Subject: RE: BS: Want to see John McCain Squirm? -Video
"Should the government fund and/or provide condoms, in the junior highs and high schools?"

Being familiar with what a condom is and understanding how it is used are essential parts of education in sexual health.

Access to condoms for teens should be allowed.

But this should be promoted alongside real guidance in sexual health, including emotional as well as physical health so that young people are genuinely educated about the possible consequences of decisions they make about their bodies and their hearts.

"And should a minor be allowed to have an abortion, without notice or consent from the parents?"

The Idea that a child should go through any traumatic experience, emotionally scarring and physically damaging, in both cases possibly permanently, without the knowledge and support of their parents absolutely horrifies me.

Unless there are grounds such as abuse, rape or similar, which require that the parents be excluded from the situation, then it is of paramount importance in the interests of the child that the parents be involved.

Simply feeling embarassed because you've been a bit naughty should not be grounds for your nurse to maintan confidentiality.

Parents should of course be informed and involved in a constructive way, if necessary with the help and encouragement of the health experts.

Lack of parental involvement, care, education etc is a fundamental cause of poor sexual preparation, emotional and physical.