The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112735   Message #2392274
Posted By: GUEST,Jack the Sailor
18-Jul-08 - 01:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tasteless and Offensive New Yorker?
Subject: RE: BS: Tasteless and Offensive New Yorker?
Its not nuance John.

In general, it's bigoted to tell ethnic jokes about other ethnicities. If for some reason you think that this Prof's jokes were not bigoted, then you should have shared it. Your story has the same flaw that the Obama cover does. You left out crucial details that would make you position clear.

You can tell sailor jokes in front of me. Sailors are not an ethnic group. I am not a sailor. Its an Internet handle.

You entered this thread with disparaging comments about those posting in it. You told your story in such a way that it was by no means clear what your negative comments were. Carol and I responded honestly and with some humor. You acted as if you were a cat that had been hosed down with water and continue to that the nerve of accusing us of having thin skins.

You have perfectly illustrated your own story. It was OK for you to laugh at us, to call us thin skinned people who laugh at other groups but who won't laugh when people laugh at our group. But when we laugh at you, then you bristle and have the audacity to remind me that I ought to know you well enough to know that you are always serious.

OK you are always serious. You are always serious and you butted in to a conversation to call us thin skinned people who laugh at other ethnic groups (the worst of the sins of your professor and young woman) and who get up and leave when our group is mocked. To be frank. I found this offensive enough that I thought it had to be a joke. Like the editor of the New Yorker said. "It was so over the top" that most people would see it as satire. Perhaps it wasn't over the top.

Alice said you couldn't have been more off base. If you want to prove you were on base you could go through the tread taking any specific person and point out where they were laughing at other people and got upset that when they were laughed at. Of course you can't do that. The only linkage between the story you told and the behavior of people in this thread is in your mind. The more you explain it the further off base you will appear to be.

You said you were done with me and with Carol. Thats fine with me of course. I hope you are done. I hope you don't follow us into other threads and snipe. Please keep in mind that most people lost interest in this thread long ago. Carrying a vendetta from it elsewhere, making snide remarks that only have context for you and a couple of people who have read this conversation, will probably lead to further misunderstanding.