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Thread #112735   Message #2392589
Posted By: GUEST,Enid, one more time
18-Jul-08 - 07:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tasteless and Offensive New Yorker?
Subject: RE: BS: Tasteless and Offensive New Yorker?
This isn't personal, Alice, but just a few posts back you declared yourself a Democrat Obama supporter, and in the last paragraph of that post, went on to list a long litany of "if I were my enemy" rationalizations that make you look, well, a little off on a jihad.

The problem many people have with the Democrat Obama supporters' reaction, is the projecting they are doing of their own fears of the Republican Right onto this cartoon, while claiming they can read the minds AND predict the votes of their misperceived Republican Right "enemy", whom you have deemed pretty damn dumb.

Not that I would argue that Americans aren't dumb! Not for a second.

But you simply refuse to take into account anyone who truly doesn't give a damn about Obama looking bad, or winning in November, and especially, about this silly cartoon!

Millions of Americans, Alice! They just plain don't care.

And "those people" aren't exclusively the card and cross carriers of the Republican Right. In fact, they are nearly the majority of potential American voters who refuse to vote!

Some of them may well care deeply about this, but come on. Time to turn off the cable & Dem hysteria blogs, and take a nice bike ride!

You can't read other peoples' minds, you can't know the thought process of millions of potential voters, you can't know how other people interpret a McDonalds menu much less art, and last but not least--online voting polls to prove the rightness of your (pardon the tongue in cheek jab--really) jihad here? That is ridiculous!