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Thread #112808   Message #2392717
Posted By: Teribus
19-Jul-08 - 03:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: War is over. The surge has succeeded!
Subject: RE: BS: War is over. The surge has succeeded!
Well tell us Jack, where exactly is this "war" in the middle-east? Which sides are fighting it?

Or is this like this "civil war" that you lot were ranting about in Iraq that never happened?

Is there conflict in the middle-east? Of course there is. Is there fighting in the middle-east? Of course there is, but there is no war going in the middle-east. The only countries that might be described as being on anything remotely like a war footing at the moment are Iran and Lebanon. The first to convince their own population that they are facing an external threat and the latter to deter and prevent a civil war.   Shall we take a look at the others?

Egypt - Nope.

Israel - Nope, IDF not mobilised, they are however countering attacks by external terrorist groups that are supposedly attempting to hold a "ceasefire" while they regroup and rearm for the next equally meaningless and futile bash at Israel.

Lebanon - See above

Turkey - Nope, but some internal security problems associated with their Kurdish population which has resulted in conflict and fighting, involving "hot pursuit" raids into northern Iraq. As Turkey still remains a popular European tourist holiday destination, I would venture to suggest that they are not at war with anyone.

Syria - Nope.

Palestine - Nope, although different terrorist groups within the West Bank and Gaza are fighting for their lives, both groups are currently supposed to be maintaining a "ceasefire", neither group has the capablity to wage war on any country's armed forces.

Jordan - Nope.

Kuwait - Nope.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Nope.

Yemen - Nope.

Oman - Nope.

United Arab Emirates - Nope.

Iraq - Nope, they are currently fighting an insurgency with the aid of troops operating under UN Mandate, they are not fighting a war, they do not independently have the means to do so.

Iran - See above.

Well that's about it I don't think that I have left anybody out and having checked the BBC World Service, guess what? Nobody in the middle-east is at war.