The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112856   Message #2392773
Posted By: GUEST,Al
19-Jul-08 - 06:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Political Correctness creates tension
Subject: BS: Political Correctness creates tension
Political correctness seems to be a bone of contention on this site. In reality PC tries to make up for past perceived inequalities by replacing meritocracy and equality of opportunity with equality of outcome through discrimination against people with the same physical qualities as those perceived to have been beneficiaries of other systems in the past !

Political correctness encourages offence to be taken where none is intended, encourages the re-writing and re-thinking of history along with the abandonment of pride in country, is a serious threat to free speech and, despite being portrayed to be in the name of tolerance, is completely intolerant of anyone who does not act in a politically correct fashion.

There are those here who want to use it as a form of censorship and tries to bully other members into conforming with a certain point of view which usually defies common sense.

Those spouting political correctness assume that they have the right to give opinions for people they perceive to be from "minorities" without usually first consulting the people they purport to speak for. e.g. people say that you should not use the term "Brainstorming" as it could be offensive to people with epilepsy. Epilepsy Action, however, say, "We are often asked about the word 'brainstorming' and whether its use is acceptable. If the word is being used to describe a meeting where participants are suggesting ideas, then its use is not offensive to people with epilepsy." See also the stories and views people have sent us and the Not In My Name Campaign on this website for further examples of people using political correctness where it was not asked for, not needed and certainly not wanted.

Political Correctness hasn't helped this country to change into a more tolerant place, it created barriers. Those wirelessing on here sprouting political correctness on every thread are intolerant of any view which is not in line with theirs and yelp for every thread to be closed if it mentioned a religion or group.

Political correctness creates divisions where there should not be any and divides people up into stereotypical boxes all the time so it has actually made us more race conscious and more sex conscious. Children, who do not naturally see colour as being an issue, are being taught from a very young age that it is an issue - this can hardly be described as progress.

Countries and attitudes evolve through experiences and education and we do not believe that the British are an intolerant nasty bunch of people who have been saved by political correctness. In fact the reality is quite the opposite. A normally tolerant and kind nation is being pushed in the opposite direction by the political correctness that has infected our public services, our institutions and our way of life.

Political correctness here limits free speech which is unhealthy and very dangerous. Hear that Lox !