The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22166   Message #239323
Posted By: GUEST,Auxiris
07-Jun-00 - 09:18 AM
Thread Name: Computer Safety:Don't let this happen
Subject: RE: Computer Safety:Don't let this happen
Hello, everyone and thank you ever so much for your message, Dave. On reading it, I immediately checked all computer connections (all is well). One can never be too careful with a thing like electricity!

May I add a few words of caution concerning another activity? Just yesterday, one of my neighbours lost two fingers because he was trying to remove a stick from under his lawn mower without turning it off. I'd just like to say to those of you who like to garden, please:

--Keep your tetanos vaccination up to date; --Don't wear jewelry while working in your garden; --Wear a good sunscreen; --When mowing lawns, wear socks, shoes and trousers and preferably a long-sleeved shirt; --Drink enough water while gardening during hot weather; --Watch out for things like poison ivy, sumac or oak and learn how to identify them; --Make sure garden tools are in good working order; --Don't stay out in the sun during the hottest hours of the day; --Keep animals and children away from things like mowers and garden products

and so on and so forth. Sorry if this sounds obvious, but I hear about garden accidents all the time. Be careful and . . . happy gardening!

cheers, Aux