The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112883   Message #2393512
Posted By: Stringsinger
20-Jul-08 - 12:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Real Obama
Subject: RE: BS: The Real Obama
The problem Obama is going to have are three-fold.

1.    His preoccupation with military
actions in Afghanistan and Pakistan
2.    His continuation of "faith-based
3.    He has also caved in on the Telecoms.

His compromises in which he attempts to bring people of different political
and religious ideas together may be his undoing. You can't force people
to accept ideas that are obnoxious to them. For me, that would be paying
taxes for "faith-based initiatives" and prolonging a war in Afghanistan.
These are highly objectionable to me and I am not alone.

McCain's candidacy makes these point moot in this next election but not after
the election.