The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108354   Message #2393663
Posted By: Arkie
20-Jul-08 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: Songs about airplanes, aeroplanes, air travel
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes
I did not see this one. I think it is in the Digital Tradition database, but I first found it in a paperback songbook many years ago.

Teterboro Tower

Teterboro Tower
(Oscar Brand & Jac Holzman)

Teterboro Tower this is Piper 2-0-2
I'm turning on my downwind leg, My fabric's come unglued
The stick is burbling in my hand, I think I feel a stall
& a bug's caught in my Pilot, my gauges don't read at all

Now listen Piper 2-0-2, this is Teterboro Tower
I cannot raise the crash crew cause it is their coffee hour
& you're not cleared in the pattern, don't try a landing yet
Just circle for departure while I mooch a cigarette

Help Teterboro Tower, this is Piper 2-0-2
I'm sweating out this landing, I don't know what to do
My superhomer's on the blink, & your voice is fading fast
Please clear my on my final, or this flight may be my last

Now listen Piper 2-0-2, This is Teterboro Tower
I'd like to help you buddy, but I just don't have the power
The F.A.A's your only hope, so if you've time to spare
Just file a form in triplicate & sign the questionaire

Teterboro Tower, this is Piper 2-0-2
I'm in Secaucus Hospital & I owe it all to you
I'm sorry that I cracked her up & messed your pretty field
We'll try it once around again if ever I get healed

From Folk Songs for Fun -by Oscar Brand - Hollis Music - 1961

Some slightly more militant lyrics are available
(also on an Oscar Brand LP, as I recall) under
the title "Itazuke Tower." The primary difference is that
this version is geared to post-WWII Japan and involves
an Air Force P-51 Mustang.