The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112883   Message #2393752
Posted By: Bobert
20-Jul-08 - 08:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Real Obama
Subject: RE: BS: The Real Obama
Ya' know, electing presidents is somewhat of a crap shoot...

Is there anything that Obama believes that I disagree with??? Well, I don't know... He said he was disappointed with the Supreme Court decision on not allowing capital punishement on child rapists... Hey, I don't support the death penalty for anything but I understand that he had to take that away from the McCain or her was going to be branded a protector of child rapists... Heck, by the time the Swiftboaters got to him they might have been portraying him as a child rapist???

NO, Obama ain't easy to pigeon hole because he doesn't bring the tradtional resume' that politicans usually have at this point in time in one's candidacy...

But, with that said, Obama does seem to have an ***open mind*** and he does seem to possess some valuable ***people skills*** (not to mention a decent jump and that's purdy much what I am going on here and...

...I expect that is what many Obama supporters are going on... Comes down to hope and hope, after the last 7 years, ain't a bad thing...
