The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112883   Message #2393781
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Jul-08 - 10:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Real Obama
Subject: RE: BS: The Real Obama
How many of Wright's sermons have you ever listened to? I suspect you have listened to nothing but a few selected fragments of one or two sermons on YouTube. If you took ALL the things that any person said in the last 20 years, looked carefully around for the few times he went ballistic over something or totally lost his temper, and then carefully edited them into an expose film with the intention of ruining his reputation, you could ruin anyone's reputation. (including yours or mine or anyone else's here)

That's how politically motivated character assassination is done. You pay no attention to 100,000 harmless words that a person may have said on 15,000 different occasions. No, you find 15 or 20 words he said on one or two occasions when he was emotionally way off balance, and you damn a person's entire character on the basis of those alone.

This could be done to McCain too, just as it's been done to Obama. It could be done to anyone who's running for office. You just have to really look around carefully, and you will find something you can use to embarass them.

I really doubt that Wright was giving "hate sermons" for the last 20 years. ;-) But if the Hitler regime, let's say, was after Wright...then it would be "hate sermons" for sure that they said he had been giving for the last 20 years. That's all they would see, because their only desire would be to see something bad. That's how it works when you're out to destroy someone...and the people who looked around painstakingly for these few damaging excerpts couldn't care less about Reverend Wright. He was just a means to an end. They had been given a job: to destroy Obama's candidacy. So they looked with all due diligence for anything they could find.

There's a name for people like that, but it's not a nice one.