The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112856   Message #2393834
Posted By: Ebbie
20-Jul-08 - 11:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Political Correctness creates tension
Subject: RE: BS: Political Correctness creates tension
"In fact, almost every identifiable group suffers from the curse of unthinking and inappropriate political correctness.

"So, why don't we just call it by its real name?

"Hypocrisy." Little Hawk

Little Hawk, I hadn't read your latest post when I posted my last one but I stand by it. It seems to me that some people are deliberately obtuse when they come to this subject.

It seems an easy call to me. Political correctness is being a human being who is caring enough to be sensitive to others. The day is way past when people, either sex, should be able to feel comfortable using words, phrases and metaphors that are either designed to hurt someone or to "keep someone in his place". Using those words, phrases or metaphors because it's "just a habit I can't break" or "S/he knows I was just kidding" or "It's true, you know" are all justifications I have heard. It is not acceptable.