The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112883   Message #2394253
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Jul-08 - 11:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Real Obama
Subject: RE: BS: The Real Obama
Man! If this thread was a hamster running on an exercise wheel, he'd have generated megawatts of power by now....

But there was a comment way back there that I have to respond to. It was this one, by one of the Guests:

"Obama is just another Chicago political slick talker. He would be at his best and right at home on the Chicago City Council.

It is amazing how many of you he has duped.

Wait until they finally show the tape of him in full "blackspeak."

Well, by gosh! That sounds just like what certain mean-minded cynics are saying about Chongo Chimp:

"Chongo is just another Chicago political slick talker. He would be at his best and right at home on the Chicago City Council or running some local boxing club.

It is amazing how many of you he has duped.

Wait until they finally show the tape of him in full "apespeak."

I feel obliged to point out that this sort of negative commentary is quite unfair to both Obama and Chongo, despite the fact that they both hale from the greater Chicago area.