The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108354 Message #2394266
Posted By: Genie
21-Jul-08 - 12:03 PM
Thread Name: Songs about airplanes, aeroplanes, air travel
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes
Tattie Bogle posted this:
"'He jumped from 40,000 feet without a parachute, x3
And he ain't gonna jump no more.
Glory, glory, what a terrible way to die, x3
And he ain't gonna jump no more
He landed on the tarmac like a lump of strawberry jam, x3
And he ain't gonna.......
They scooped him off the tarmac like a ...'
At which point the memory fails ... "
Ah, yes, we sang that song too, except we sang the chorus as:
"Gory, gory! What a helluva way to die!"