The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112831   Message #2395160
Posted By: GUEST,number 6
22-Jul-08 - 11:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rich pay fair share of taxes
Subject: RE: BS: Rich pay fair share of taxes
If peeple wanted to save their mom and pop shops they would spent a $buck$ or 2 more on a book and in many cases the same price ... funny, while working in this publishing company I had a job offer to run the IT shop for a Casino taht was opening up shop ... this offer was attractive since there was almost no budget limit on the equipment I could procure to run the department. At the publishing company I had to purchase used equipment (servers, disk drives, modems etc) as the profit in the book business was minimal. What I'm trying to get at here is that peeple would rather spend thier money on gambling and whatever $$'s are left over might scrimp out on the cheapest price they can spend on a book ... corporations realize this ... they take the advantage of it. How many peeple watch reality TV programs over lets say, Public TV ?? Yup, and corporations realize this.

anyway ... I did turn the offer down at the casino on moral convictions.

Interesting Bobert what you said about the Big Boys exproporating citizen's land for their own use ... whew, that's scarry. Things are different up here. A local community up here in NB voted out Walmart from moving in to their neighbourhood.
