The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112647   Message #2396220
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
23-Jul-08 - 04:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Want to see John McCain Squirm? -Video
Subject: RE: BS: Want to see John McCain Squirm? -Video
....more like the 'suggestion' that low morals, are part of expecting everyone else to carry the burden of another's so far as our government picking up the tab, for a personal choice, in this matter. Low responsibility in regards to promiscuous sex, just as it is the same for men, who don't care to use protection for transmitting STD's.(p.s., if you're going to quote me, in some semi-literate diatribe, use the WHOLE quote, this time). The point is, once again, for people to take responsibility, upon themselves, for their personal choices, rather than this stupid sense of 'entitlement'
at everyone else's expense. What is so flipping wrong, demented, evil about that???