The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63019   Message #2397154
Posted By: Don Firth
24-Jul-08 - 06:28 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Why - 2 fingers behind others in photos?
Subject: RE: Folklore: Why - 2 fingers behind others in photos?
Apart from the "devil's horns" gesture with the index and pinky raised (sometimes a gesture to either give someone the evil eye or ward it off), the "V for victory" sign with index and middle, associated with Winston Churchill (or "Someone stole his cigar, but he hasn't noticed yet."), or the time in the early 1960s when a friend of mine and I were driving slowly through a neighborhood looking for a particular address when a couple of teen-aged girls smiled and raised their index and middle fingers as we passed—we speculated on what that meant ("Two bucks??")—and later learned it was the peace sign, I don't think there's any particular significance to it in photographs, other than a goofy prank to endow someone else in a photo with "bunny ears."

It starts early (Clicky #1), keeps right on going (Clicky #2), and some folks never outgrow it Clicky #3). No one is safe (Clicky #4, (Clicky #5), and (Clicky #6).

Don Firth