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Thread #101088   Message #2397521
Posted By: Amos
25-Jul-08 - 09:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
German reviews from der Spiegel:

'A Strong and Gutsy Message'
"The speech of a global citizen," "perfect performance," an "homage to Berlin" -- After Thursday's big Obama show at Berlin's Siegessäule, German politicians seem quite impressed by the US candidate's performance. "This will strengthen the trans-Atlantic bridge," said veteran politician Edmund Stoiber.


Obama's speech earned him praise from all sides of the political spectrum.
Barack Obama was greeted on Thursday night with words of praise from all sides. With his speech at Berlin's Siegesäule, or Victory Column, the Illinois senator appears to have impressed German politicians across the political spectrum.

Berlin Mayor Klaus Wowereit of the left-leaning Social Democrats praised Obama's speech for being strong and gutsy. "It's a sign," Wowereit said after the speech, "that US politics will take a new course, and it's an homage to Berlin."

Of the many Berlin-centered details in the speech (more...), Obama mentioned the period of the Berlin Airlift 60 years ago, when US and British airplanes delivered supplies to the city as it was besieged by the Soviets. Wowereit said that the friendship born between Germans and Americans as a result of the airlift serves as an example of how far people can come in overcoming the challenges of the world if they learn to work together.

Even Edmund Stoiber, the honorary head of Germany's Christian Social Union party -- the Bavarian sister party to the conservative Christian Democrats -- and former governor of the state of Bavaria, admitted to being impressed by the speech. "The young senator embodies what many people yearn for: charisma and leadership," Stoiber told SPIEGEL ONLINE. "But German politicians will also have trouble meeting his demand to assume more common responsibility for global problems in the world. America is relying on Germany and Europe. This strengthens the trans-Atlantic bridge."
Foreign policy experts in Germany's grand coalition government -- led by Angela Merkel and her conservative Christian Democrats and its junior parter, the center-left Social Democrats -- also praised Obama's speech.

Following the address, Eckart von Klaeden, the foreign policy spokesman for Germany 's ruling conservative Christian Democrats, described it as an "impressive speech." "It was American in the best sense of the word," Klaeden told SPIEGEL ONLINE. "With the exception of a few personal nuances, John McCain also could have given a very similar speech."

Klaeden spoke about Obama's "perfect campaign performance," saying that the speech's main message was that Europe and the US can bring the world's problems under control if they stand together. "That also entails burden-sharing and common sacrifices." ...