The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111146   Message #2398273
Posted By: EBarnacle
26-Jul-08 - 09:51 AM
Thread Name: Update: Portland (Maine) Maritime Festival
Subject: RE: Update: Portland (Maine) Maritime Festival
Relax. I have been in charge of the Working Waterfront at Clearwater's Revival for the past 10 years.

The best you can do is set up contingency plans, get good volunteers and relax.

This year, when the weather packed us in, my cocoordinator and I were at lunch. I got on the walkie, called my crew and told them to get the area shut down. People around us were amazed that we did not go rushing down to our area but simply finished our lunches.

The point is the competence of your people. 99% of everything is prep.